Munich’s hot spots

Munich’s nightlife is colorful and diverse. You can find bars ranging from the trendy to seedy. Whether you go out for an evening in the Glockenbach area, Schwabing or in Haidhausen the distances from one bar to the next are short and the nights long. The Altstadt (Old City) is nowadays getting ever more busy after the sun sets and shoppers have gone home. Lots of celebrities and wannabes meet in Munich’s most legendary night-spot, Schumanns Bar.
If you want to experience a trendy place like you’d find in Berlin, you should check out Kreuz 16. You’ll be surprised by the unusual ambience of this little bar! If you like it there, you’ll certainly find a favorite bar in the Glockenbach area, around Gärtnerplatz. Here there are casual small cafés such as Tagträumer and off-the-wall bars like Trachtenvogl or Holy Home. You’ll find the most lively bar mix the city has to offer here. But what makes the area even more colorful are the rainbow flags waving at many bars – Glockenbach is also the home of the city’s gay and lesbian scene.